Timetable and keys to understand the document
In order to check the current timetable of all theoretical and lab classes click on the “Planificacion docente XX_XX” entry that you will find on your right.
- For each degree (Degree in Marine Science and Degree in Environmental Science), the timetable of each academic year is shown in separate pages.
- The timetable is in Spanish so here you have some useful translations:
- In order to know the timetable of one specific subject: 1) Check the degree plan so you can find the academic year and semester in which the subject is included, 2) In the timetable document, click on the pertinent entry.
- There are two semesters in each academic year: The first one (autumm semester) goes from October to January (exams in late January and early February). The second one (spring semester) goes from February to first week of June (exams in June).
Primer semestre = Autumm semester of each academic year
Segundo semestre = Spring semester of each academic year
- Take into account that the timetable of the subjects can change from one week to another. That is why the timetable for each semester is shown week by week.
- Almost all subjects include theoretical and lab classes. Have a close look to the lab sessions timetable because some of them can take place in the afternoons.
- For the lab sessions the students are divided in small groups (G1, G2, G3…). The timetable for each group is shown in the document.
- The classroom (aula) for theoretical classes for each academic year is shown on the top left corner.